New trainees, new faces, new spirit - welcome!

What's new?

Starting your career at POLAR

Nine young people started their careers at the headquarters in Hofheim. The world market leader for high-speed cutters and cutting systems has a long tradition as a training company.


With the new apprentices, there are now almost 20 trainees at POLAR - industrial clerks, mechatronics engineers and industrial mechanics.

POLAR has a long tradition of training the specialists of tomorrow. Many former trainees have been with POLAR for over 20 years. “We have always had a strong interest in training qualified junior staff. To this end, we invested in new training workshops years ago, for example, in order to optimally prepare the next generation of technicians for our machines and their later tasks in production. Training is of course an investment in our future and we are proud of our high retention rate,” says Elena Conrad, HR Team Leader.

The first day began with a presentation about the company, a tour of the company followed by lunch together in the canteen, before the trainees moved on to their respective departments.

As in previous years, joint trainee days are planned to promote cooperation and personal development.
Good luck and a good start.

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